Trusting Others To See For Me

Over the last 4-6 weeks, I’ve been struggling with looking in the mirror as I don’t feel like I look any different than when I started a year ago. Obviously I have lost weight (87lb so far) and have lost inches (16 inches on my waist alone) but I keep struggling because I can’t see it.

Before I go on, I want to tell you a brief story. In my first accounting class, I just couldn’t seem to grasp one of the most important accounting concepts. I remember raising my hand in each class and said that I just couldn’t get it. My professor, who called me Brooklyn, kept trying to explain the concept to me in class. Finally about 2 months into the semester, he said, “Brooklyn I want to see you in my office today”. I got to his office, sat down, he walked in, shut the door and walked over to me. He said (putting his hand on my shoulder), “Brooklyn, I know you are smart and you will do amazing things in life. Right now I want you to trust me. Forget that you don’t get it and trust that I know it is right and I will always lead you to the right way. Eventually you will get it and then you will understand but for now, just trust me.”

During a long walk earlier this week, the story came back to me. And I realized something important. Why don’t I use the same practice now? How about I let others see for me until I can see it for myself?

I’ve been working with an awesome nutritionist, Linda Wagner, now for a year and since I went into what I call the “plan” in March, I’ve been losing weight and inches and feeling better overall. She has told me that I look like I lost weight. She has told me that I am doing great with the current plan and kicking butt. She pats me on the back when I leave our sessions and tells me to keep up the great work. I trust her 100% with my health and nutrition so why not just trust her eyes? For now I will let her see for me.

My sister tells me I am doing great and she sees a difference in how I look. My closest friends tell me the same thing. For now I will let them see for me.

My new fitness trainers tell me I am kicking butt in our workouts. For now I will let them see for me.

My jeans are 5 sizes smaller than the day I met the nutritionist. My shirts are 2 sizes smaller. My tape measure is down 16″ on my waist. For now I will let these objects see for me.

I think the most valuable learning I had this week is that I need to trust those that care about and love me. They will be there to help me see when I can’t. I am so glad each one of them (and my new life coach) is in my life to help me with my new lifestyle and most importantly to see what I can’t currently see.

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