Pineapple Ginger Apple Mint Juice Recipe

pineapple juiceHere’s my recipe for a super simple pineapple + apple + ginger + mint green juice. This juice will have your energy level on high and will fill you with lots of healthy nutritional goodies!

I have to admit that I don’t super love pineapple smoothies. I like them fine and pineapple will stay in the “smoothie rotation” but I find that pineapple makes the smoothie very thin and I have to compensate with other items to thicken it up. What’s funny is that the second most popular question I received from the smoothie readers on my smoothie newsletter was about why pineapple smoothies are thin! The reason is because of the water content of the pineapple.

Please share this wonderful recipe:

With that said, I do enjoy pineapple – it makes me feel like I am on the beach. The local market here in Austin had pineapples on a massive sale so I couldn’t resist trying to make my first pineapple juice! Since I already drink a green juice everyday, I decided to go with more of a fruit juice with a hint of green from mint. Be careful on the mint – it is very strong so go easy.

And don’t forget to signup for the new Smoothie a Day newsletter!

This juice recipe is super simple – just a few ingredients. I use the Omega VRT 330 HD juicer but any juicer will do for this green juice recipe. The Breville Juice Fountain is a popular juicer and was the model used in the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (you need to watch this movie! it’s free on amazon prime). If you are new to juicing or wondering why you would want to remove the fiber, check out my “juicing vs. blending” overview. My Omega VRT juicer made about 64 ounces of total juice – your juicer may vary slightly. Since this juice will have a ton of sugar, I’d suggest sticking to 16 ounces – so this recipe will make about 4 servings.

With the cost of a pineapple at $1, there is no reason to buy the bottled stuff – the pasteurization process kills some of the nutritional value of the juice. My juicer can juice the entire pineapple although I did cut off most of the skin and if you use a more traditional juicer, you should definitely cut off the skin.

Check out some of the health benefits of mint leaves (source):

  • Soothes the digestive tract and easing the severity of stomachaches.
  • Drinking herbal mint tea reduces irritated bowel syndromes, cleanses the stomach and also clear up skin disorders such as acne. Provides a cooling sensation to the skin and can help to treat minor burns, itching and skin irritations.
  • Mint is a strong diuretic and therefore, helps in eliminating toxins from the body.
  • mint reduces the growth of bacteria and fungus in the body on regular intake.
  • Help in curing asthma and other allergic conditions.
  • Crushed mint leaves helps in whitening teeth and combat bad breath.
  • The phytonutrient, called perillyl alcohol, in mint is believed to prevent colon, skin and lung cancer.
  • Relieve minor aches and pains such as muscle cramps and sprains.
  • Mint is a very good cleanser for the blood.

Check out my new line of mason jar lids in the image below! :)

Pineapple Apple Green Juice

Pineapple Ginger Apple Mint Juice Recipe

Prep time

Cook time

Total time


Recipe type: Drinks
Serves: 4

  • 1 ripe pineapple
  • 2 apples – whatever kind you like
  • 3 sprigs mint
  • ½ inch piece of ginger

  1. Remove mint leaves from the stems
  2. Remove skin from pineapple
  3. Juice
  4. Enjoy & Smile

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10 replies on “Pineapple Ginger Apple Mint Juice Recipe

      1. Allen Post author

        Heh- they were on sale at Sprouts for 99c, last week when I checked they were $2 – the chain here HEB had them for $2.79 – still seems like a good price.

    1. Allen Post author

      Hi Glenda – I don’t peel the apples, the skin has a lot of nutrients. I advise buying organic if possible. There is discussion about not juicing the seeds – I do juice the seeds but you may want to remove them.

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