5 Healthy Halloween Snacks & Treats

PumpkinThis past weekend my fitness trainer Ashli had me do a “halloween workout”. I always like her themed workouts as they are fun and provide a nice break from using the regular weights. This workout was by far the hardest I’ve done to-date although who would think a large pumpkin would be able to make my arms and legs feel like Gumby for hours after the workout was over? I am not sure I want to see a pumpkin again until next year :)

While we were working out, we had a good discussion about halloween treats for the trick-o-treaters that will make their way to your doorbell. Growing up in NYC, most times we got a few pennies or a nickel instead of candy. It wasn’t because the giver wanted me to be healthy, it was because in those days there was a fear that the candy would be filled with poison. So people gave kids loose change and then we would go buy candy at the bodega.

With my new healthy lifestyle, I refuse to give kids candy that will sit in their bodies for decades. Here are some great snacks that you can give out to the trick-o-treaters that you know will be good for them today and tomorrow.

Before we get started with the snacks, check out this chart of halloween candy and all of the GMO crap ingredients. Do you really want to give this crap to the kids in your neighborhood?

Halloween Candy GMO Ingredients

And I could see this totally happening at my house :)

funny halloween cartoon

Treat Idea 1 – Healthy Popcorn

It seems like I’ve seen this concept on Pinterest everyday. Instead of buying horrible microwave popcorn bags, make your own! All you need is: popcorn kernels and brown paper lunch sack bags. You could put some seasoning on the popcorn after you microwave it. The nice thing about this treat idea is that you can make enough bags and then replenish the supply in a minute if more ghosts and ghoblins show up with your door. This is the most cost-effective healthy halloween snack!

Treat Idea 2 – Applesauce Cups

This idea comes from Ashli – during our workout she mentioned that she liked the idea of applesauce cups. Just make sure if you go this route, that you buy applesauce with no added sugar or other artificial ingredients. Ashli said a pack of 6 cups should run about $2.50.

Treat Idea 3 – Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Here is an interesting halloween treat idea from Elise at Simply Recipes. They are super easy to make and you could create a small, fun-designed baggie full of the roasted pumpkin seeds.

Treat Idea 4 – Halloween Chocolate Cups

This treat idea is perfect for a party and comes from Claire at Reboot Your Life. The recipe uses avocado to create a pudding-like, super healthy chocolate cup of deliciousness. I’d recommend replacing the cocoa powder with raw cacao powder and the agave with stevia. Serve this at your halloween party and your guests of all ages will think you are the best host!

Treat Idea 5 – Fruit!

I think this is the easiest of the healthy halloween snacks – just buy a large bag of apples and hand one out to each child. You could also buy a variety of fruit (perhaps apples, bananas, oranges) and let each child choose one piece of fruit when they arrive at your door.

A packaged treat

If you want something packaged, these fruit leathers from Stretch Island look pretty healthy. They have no added sugar, have real fruit puree and cost about 40 cents per package. The reviews on Drugstore.com are very good for these fruit leathers.

I hope you enjoyed my healthy halloween treat ideas. Please leave your healthy snack ideas in the comments.

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One reply on “5 Healthy Halloween Snacks & Treats

  1. Rachel

    LOVE the popcorn idea Allen!!! Talked with my husband about it today and he agreed that we are returning all the candy crap we bought to Target and going to make the bags of popcorn. I have a simple spice blend I like and will put it on the popcorn. Rock on!

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