Does Moderation Work?

everything in moderationThis past weekend I was shopping in a department store and struck up a conversation with the clerk who was helping me find the right size. I explained that I have no idea what the right size is as I am on this new journey to become fit and awesome. She said something which had me thinking from that moment until I began this post… “It seems easy, you just workout and eat in moderation and I bet you will do great.”

It’s not the first time I’ve heard “everything is ok in moderation” phrases – they are plastered everywhere you look (especially in tv adverts). But when you are addicted to something, is moderation ok?

Let’s change the topic area for a moment so I can make my point. If someone told you they were a recovering alcoholic, would you tell them it is ok to have a drink in moderation? If someone told you they were addicted to drugs and are working to go clean, would you suggest it’s ok to hit the marijuana or snort some heroine as long as it was in moderation?

See? If moderation doesn’t work with drugs or alcohol addiction, why is it ok with food? I think I’ve come to the conclusion that it isn’t ok.

If I allow myself to have some cake “in moderation”, then it becomes harder and harder not to turn “in moderation” to “in regularity”. When you have something, you want it more and more – it’s in our nature.

And if we take the psychological part out of the “moderation” – I think that the physical aspects are probably even worse. We know how important food combining and also how food is processed inside the body. In our first few sessions she explained how much our bodies have to work to process junk food versus processing simple fruits and veggies.

So you go for a week eating completely clean and your body is feeling healthy and starts to turn off the reactors that used to have to break down the processed crap. And just as things are starting to settle and the body is starting to work towards health, you throw in some junk. I am only guessing here but every time you cheat with “in moderation” it sets back the journey big time because the body gets confused as to which track you are on.

Does it mean that you can’t ever, ever, ever, ever, ever have a piece of cake or a french fry? I don’t think so – I am sure at my wedding there will be a cake and I shall enjoy a piece with the future Mrs. :)

I think the key is to make a conscious decision to break the rules for a healthy lifestyle versus saying you will eat the cake or drink the Coke because, “hey it’s moderation, right?”

Just to be clear, moderation is probably ok for people who have always been healthy and fit, this post is about moderation with regards to people who are looking to completely re-do themselves.

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3 replies on “Does Moderation Work?

  1. Jen

    I think the whole moderation thing is very personal. Not “tell me your deep, dark secrets” personal, but that “your mileage may vary” personal. Some people, if they deny themselves something entirely will keep wanting it over time until there is a breaking point and then they overdo it. This can be the case with sex, food, or any other number of things. Other people will turn moderation into regularity. Much like vegan vs. primal there are things that work for some bodies that don’t work for others. I have been thriving since I went sugar/grain free, but last night I wanted an ice cream sandwich. So I asked my husband if he’s split one with me. I had a third and he had two thirds (he’s a beanpole, I’m not sabotaging him or anything) because I just wanted some ice cream sandwich and that didn’t mean I had to have a whole one. I think your points are totally valid and it’s a great post!!

    1. LTF Post author

      Thanks for your comment Jen – and I do think that everyone’s path is different – that’s what makes it so exciting for all of us.

      I leave you with something my first accounting professor used to say – students would show their work on the board and there were a variety of methods used to get to the correct answer. The professor always replied, “there are 1,000 ways to Utica”. What he meant is that the way we get to the goal is going to vary tremendously – key is to see it through to the goal.

  2. Heather

    Moderation sure doesn’t work for me…. trying it leads to excess… Completely cutting that stuff out? Eventually, I don’t even crave it… can lose the taste for it and other foods start tasting way more flavorful!!!

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