
Mango Smoothie

I love my morning green smoothies! There’s nothing like a green smoothie for weight loss. So far every superfood smoothie recipe I’ve tried has tasted great and I look forward to sharing my concoctions with ya’all. Today’s smoothie menu is a Mango-rific Super Green Smoothie! (check out all of my smoothie recipes) And remember the [...]
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I’ve been adding spinach to all my smoothies as of late — it’s amazing how the spinach really doesn’t change the taste of the smoothie at all. I think the key is to make sure to blend it to make the spinach disappear. I guess if you have a Vitamix or Blendtec this won’t require [...]
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I am visiting family this weekend and since I am now required to have two smoothies a day (ha!), I needed to pick up some spinach. I am assuming Smoothie King doesn’t have spinach so I will bring some and hopefully they will add it to the smoothies I purchase. At the local supermarket, they [...]
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