
How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

I went on a trip to visit family this past weekend and while on the plane I wrote up ten tips to eat healthy while traveling. Even though I don’t care for flying, I was smiling ear-to-ear for the entire flight. Why? I didn’t need a seatbelt extender. I have been using one for most [...]
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I am sitting in one of the largest airports in the world and every step I take, there is another fast food place. I am actually sitting in the middle of about 30 fast food spots right now, 3 steps away from Dunkin Donuts. I have been to this airport 100 times before and every [...]
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Yesterday I wrote about my upcoming first trip since I stopped eating fast food and that I need to figure out how to stay away from crap on my trip. My awesome nutritionist is traveling this weekend and she put together a short video (below) with tips on how to eat healthy while traveling – [...]
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