
Green Smoothie Bowl

If you are a regular LTF reader, you know I love my green smoothies and my green smoothie for weight loss. If you are new to LTF, welcome. I also share lots of recipes in the Smoothie a Day newsletter. Today I want to share my first Green Smoothie Bowl recipe. I’ve been working on [...]
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foods containing meat

Back in March I wrote about how companies like Kellogg’s put “fake blueberries” in their cereals. Instead of actual blueberries, they basically use little balls of corn syrup that are dyed blue to look like blueberries. Here is a graphic I came across yesterday. I don’t have any research to say whether the information is [...]
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Figured I would share tonight’s dinner pic – it’s mixed vegetables on the left, rice in the middle, grilled chicken on the right. I did add a pinch of BBQ sauce to the chicken after the photo was taken.
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