Ordered New Jeans Today

Today I did something I haven’t done in a decade. I ordered a pair of jeans in a smaller size. Since I lost all the weight 12 yrs ago, I’ve bought jeans one size larger as I gained all the lost weight back plus a ton more. I checked my Amazon invoices and it seems like about every 2 years I moved up a size. Eventually I ended up with the largest size I have ever worn when I purchased a pair of jeans on May 5, 2011.

And today I purchased a pair of jeans that are 3 sizes smaller than those May 2011 jeans. THREE FREAKING SIZES SMALLER. I know these new jeans will be very tight or might not be comfortable to start with but I wanted a new pair and didn’t want to buy something that will be too large in a few weeks.

I still remember the day in 2000 when I went into the Gap, picked out some clothes, took them into the dressing room and tried them on. I broke down and a store clerk asked me if everything was ok. I told her that all my life I haven’t been able to shop in a normal clothing store and this was the first time I was able to put on a pair of Gap pants and a shirt and it looked good. I spent a ton of money there that day and I remember how great it felt when I went to work in the new clothing. I want that feeling back.

In the movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, Joe gives the trucker an Aussie football shirt that is a much smaller size than the trucker’s current size. Joe told him that the goal was to get the trucker into that shirt. At the end of the movie, the trucker is seen running wearing Joe’s shirt. I kept a small bag of the clothing from 2000 – even as I moved around the country. I can’t wait for the day that I put those items on – this time knowing that it is for life and that the whole package is perfect.

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