I Drank A Smoothie and I Liked It

I had 30 minutes to kill this morning while doing my laundry and decided to stop at Central Market (it’s like Whole Foods) to get some popcorn kernels. As I was walking around I realized they have a smoothie bar so I figured why not finally try one.

I approached the smoothie counter, a bit nervous, and the smoothista (smoothie + barista?) asked me which one I wanted. I explained that I am a newbie and she suggested I start with the basic smoothie. This basic version includes strawberries, banana and apple juice. I guess she could see I was not immediately saying yes so she offered to make one and give me a sample that I could try (like a crack dealer I suppose!) and then decide if I want a full serving.

Away went the blender crushing and grinding down the fruits as I anxiously awaited this new addition to my healthier lifestyle. The blender stopped, the smoothista put the trial sample into a cup and I began to walk back to the car.

I have to say, it actually tasted quite good. I could clearly taste the apple juice and it the consistency was a touch thicker than a Slurpee except that instead of sugar and crap, this was filled with fruits. I am definitely going to get a full one tomorrow. I assume that each one will taste slightly different since it’s not a machine making the beverage. I also assume Linda will want me to put in some spinach – one thing at a time!


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