
Yesterday I was shopping at Whole Foods and they had large watermelons on sale. I grabbed one and noticed a sticker on the watermelon (see below for image). I am not sure exactly why but the line, “may contain an occasional seed”, hit me. Maybe this is a tagline for a switch to a healthy [...]
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As a kid growing up, I remember the ice cream truck would come down the street near our park and as soon as we heard the jingle, all of the kids would run over to the truck. One of the popular items on the ice cream trucks were frozen ice pops which I am sure [...]
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On Friday afternoon I grabbed a 1/2 watermelon at Central Market. It was so tasty that I decided to buy a whole watermelon today! I want to try making a watermelon sorbet in the blender. I better be quick about it because this watermelon is so juicy that I could easily eat the whole thing [...]
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